A Svelte action that monitors an element enters or leaves the viewport or a parent element. Performant and efficient thanks to using Intersection Observer under the hood.
- svelteobserverobservingintersectionviewportinviewportin-viewin-viewportinviewobservewaypointintersection-observerintersection-observer-apiperformancemonitorscroll-directionscrolldirectionlazylazy-loadingscrollinganimationscompilecompilerrootroot-marginthresholdvisibilityvisibleinfinite-scrollinginfinitescrollingintersectingasyncasynchronouslyasynchronouspreloaddetect
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A tiny but mighty list virtualization component for svelte, with zero dependencies 💪
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Svelte action that leverages the Intersection Observer API to trigger reveal on scroll transitions
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Lightweight and simple to use Svelte component that highlights menu items as you scroll the page, also scrolling to target section when clicked.
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